End-of-Life Care
The EPEC™ Project gives physicians the clinical and communication skills to better care for patients nearing the end of life. For this groundbreaking effort, Tellens created videos that challenge viewers to recognize the human bonds that unite us — patients and caregivers alike — through compelling stories, like Aggie’s.
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“I think sometimes they feel that you look on them as a failure when your loved one dies, when quite honestly, you know everyone’s going to die eventually, and it’s not the physicians’ fault that you got cancer. It’s not like he gave it to you.... You got cancer and you come to them for relief, and their job is to relieve your pain. If they can save you, or cure you — that’s what you hope for. But if they can’t, then relieve your pain and make what days you have comfortable. That’s all you really want.”
Caregivers too are haunted by memories that leave them to wonder how they might have done things differently. Their candid stories can inspire their peers to want to do better.
- The EPEC™ Project (Education in Palliative and End-of-life Care) has trained hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals in more than sixteen countries.
- Supported by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the National Cancer Institute
- For more information about the EPEC™ Project, go to www.epec.net.